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Notes on the work of the CEA January to June 2001

Jean Yves Empereur, Director of Research, CNRS
Director of the Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines.


Throughout the first six months of 2001, the CEA continued its land excavations :

In March 2001, we were able to remove the 150-odd modern blocks of concrete (each one weighing some 20 tons) that covered a sizeable part of the sunken ancient site at the foot of Qaitbay Fort. Within the new area opened up to the archaeologists we can already make out a series of huge architectural elements as well as fragments of legs that may complete the colossal statues of Ptolemies and their queens that have been lifted during previous campaigns.

A laboratory for the treatment of metal vestiges has been set up at Shallalat in the building that houses artefacts unearthed during the CEA digs. It is equipped with modern material and is also open to other archaeological missions working in the region.

And lastly, the publication of the Etudes Alexandrines series continues with the appearance of Volume 5 dedicated to the Necropolis (IFAO Press).
